8-8-2012 Wednesday
Just now I bought a drink for my student, he was just too pressure and can't play the music in the class, keep on out of focus, while he previously did quite well. He is secondary school student, if not mistaken, he is studying form 4 now.

他學了海幾個月的西洋鼓課程,學得不錯,他好學和很盡力去完成每個學習,努力成爲大家認同的“好”學生。只有一點,他無法克服的- 恐懼,從第一天開始到現在都是如此,從他肢體語言封鎖的肩膀就可以輕易辨認出來。
For so many months he had learn drumming with me, he did his best to be a good student, struggle to be perfect and recognized good. There are something he just can't overcome, that's fear, from day one until now, I can just knowing it by his gesture, "locking" shoulder.
Today I talked a lots with him, i mean something that not really related to the music. From his words, I know that he have a very disciplined and strict family background, he stay with his aunt and his aunt is his primary school teacher as well. He was train to be good person, obedient student, just he very very scare making something wrong, scare to be scold, try to make everything perfect, in order.
Perfectionism is good as a aim in life but the situation would be getting worst while someone over care the result. It's the same, in music learning and performing.
Music is something that make yourself joy, happy and then influence others to feel the same, it's a kind of sharing, music will become meaningless when these elements taking out, the proper attitude toward music won't make you feel more stress and upset.
How one playing the music can be a reflect how they play their role in life, the good musician doing their best to focus the present moment when they is play something, they don't really care what mistaken they did previously, and they won't spoil the rest of the song because of the mistaken, while they still chasing for perfect performance.
The enjoyment of the music will be the first thing to be concern in the music learning, I always tell this to my students. How deep is your appreciation toward music will determine how much enjoyment you get in music, it's actually not about the how high the grade and how hard is the technique. Joy make your life meaningful, but not grade and technique, Proper attitude toward music make your move forward and help you stay positive and bring happiness to your life, but not stress.
Music, for the free world, for the peace and love.
The shipment just arrive today, I bought 10 pepper spray for family and friends, according to my friend, one spray can use for at least 3 sprays. but I still hope that I don't have chance to use it.
A kind of Han etiquette, YangWeiYi (Mandarin)

Think over the day, develop prestige of Han is one of the etiquette of Han.
Found the online Beauty contest.
It make sense for me, although women making the hair-bun style will be so old trend and look older, but personally I just like it, how about your feel about it?


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