29- 1-2012 Sunday
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今天星洲日報綜合版(14頁)報道:馬來西亞精武總會會長陳美成 説了,當前的中文教育制度已漸漸喪失中華文化的傳統價值,徒有文 字而沒有文化,這是值得“中華民族”關注及深思的,他擧列,象徵 中華文化精神的文天祥《正氣歌》和岳飛《滿江紅》也很難聽到有人 吟唱,由此鮮見中華文化逐漸式微的現象。。。。。。
sarriathmoonghost.deviantart.c om
This is my first time making a dessup game so it's sort of an experiment. You can take snapshots but I request proper credit and a link to the original ...
麥當勞都是騙你 !
《旅遊生活頻道》(Travel and Living)的英國名廚奧利佛(Jamie Oliver),去年4月曾在自己的節目《食物革命》(Food Revolution)中公開踢爆,美國有高達70%的漢堡牛肉 中,參雜了原本只能拿來當作動物飼料的「粉紅泥渣」(Pink Slime),黑心商人把這種脂肪含量極高的碎肉部分用雙氧水與 阿摩尼亞(氫氧化銨,Ammonium Hydroxide)處理後,混到製作漢堡的「牛肉渣」碎肉中 , 他更直指全球最大的兩大漢堡連鎖店
" 麥當勞(McDonald's) "與 " 漢堡王(Burger King) "都使用了這種牛肉
奧利佛當時在他主持的《食物革命》節目中,公開美國漢堡排生產商 BPI「廢物利用」,將原本用作狗原料、滿佈細菌的牛頭、牛蹄和 牛尾等部位,以阿摩尼亞處理,然後取出當中的牛肉渣,再混入絞碎 的牛肉製作成漢堡排出售。 「牛肉渣」可大量降低漢堡排的成本,但阿摩尼亞水有嚴重腐蝕作用 ,可能危害人體健康,根本不宜食用,這種加工品就是所謂的「粉紅 泥渣」。奧利佛狠批生產商不負責任,美國農業部專家也認同他的說 法,認為應禁止使用阿摩尼亞水處理過的食物。
影片連結 : http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wshlnRWnf30&feature=pla yer_embedded
新聞連結 : http://tw.nextmedia.com/ realtimenews/article/ international/20120128/107631/
McDonald is damaging you!
The British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has denounced that 70% of America's beef is treated with Ammonia on one episode of his show "Food Revolution" last April.
Pink Slime is one kind of meat that contains a high portion of fat which is normally used to make animal's food. Ammonium hydroxide is made of water and ammonia and used to kill bacteria. The beef producers take Pink Slime and wash it with Ammonium hydroxide to make hamburger meat.
Jamie claimed that two of the world's largest fast food company, McDonald's and Burger King, has been using this kind of hamburger meat.
Jamie claimed that the American hamburger producers(BPI) take beef trimmings and wash them with ammonium hydroxide. Beef trimmings are pieces of meat remainings after steaks, roasts and other cuts are removed. Beef trimmings are normally used for making dog food and they carry lots of bacteria. The hamburger producers then ground the beef trimmings into hamburger.
This kind of hamburger meat reduces the cost of hamburgers. However, ammonium hydroxide is used to kill bacteria and is corrosive. It damages people's health and is not edible. The compound is so called Pink Slime. Jamie strongly condemned the beef producers for being irresponsible. The experts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture also agreed with the ban of any meat treated with ammonia hydroxide.
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=wshlnRWnf30&feature=pla yer_embedded
《旅遊生活頻道》(Travel and Living)的英國名廚奧利佛(Jamie Oliver),去年4月曾在自己的節目《食物革命》(Food Revolution)中公開踢爆,美國有高達70%的漢堡牛肉
" 麥當勞(McDonald's) "與 " 漢堡王(Burger King) "都使用了這種牛肉
影片連結 : http://www.youtube.com/
新聞連結 : http://tw.nextmedia.com/
McDonald is damaging you!
The British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has denounced that 70% of America's beef is treated with Ammonia on one episode of his show "Food Revolution" last April.
Pink Slime is one kind of meat that contains a high portion of fat which is normally used to make animal's food. Ammonium hydroxide is made of water and ammonia and used to kill bacteria. The beef producers take Pink Slime and wash it with Ammonium hydroxide to make hamburger meat.
Jamie claimed that two of the world's largest fast food company, McDonald's and Burger King, has been using this kind of hamburger meat.
Jamie claimed that the American hamburger producers(BPI) take beef trimmings and wash them with ammonium hydroxide. Beef trimmings are pieces of meat remainings after steaks, roasts and other cuts are removed. Beef trimmings are normally used for making dog food and they carry lots of bacteria. The hamburger producers then ground the beef trimmings into hamburger.
This kind of hamburger meat reduces the cost of hamburgers. However, ammonium hydroxide is used to kill bacteria and is corrosive. It damages people's health and is not edible. The compound is so called Pink Slime. Jamie strongly condemned the beef producers for being irresponsible. The experts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture also agreed with the ban of any meat treated with ammonia hydroxide.
發佈者: 翟祐祺
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