Thursday, May 19, 2011


  17-5-2011 Tuesday

Group Purchase of Hanfu

The Steps of Group Purchase Hanfu
團購漢服活動事項[17/5/2011 - 17/6/2011]

how is the education nowadays? By role educated or Score "A" educated? which of the moral or result is educated?
I still remember when I was young, almost whole class of students cheated, don't know why I still stand on my ground, persist honest, finally I get very bad result, and end up with canning and scolding. After that, I still be stupid from the eyes of other, choose to be honest and end with canning and scold, perhaps I read to much story of Hero, such as YueFei, - ancient Chinese hero who brave to stand on his ground for the country and race.

I feel that the education system now no longer press about 8 of Chinese main moral value (dutiful, Friendly, loyalty, trustworthy, Courtesy,Justice, honesty, shame) which most important in life, perhaps forgot about it but now, forgot is not really suitable of this case, anti-moral might be more suitable.



Where to go during this Wesak day?

Since I know about Hanfu is cloth of my race, I try to wear it, feel it not harm to wear, and it is not as hot as people feel, it is not doing bad thing, I learnt to have nice and polite movement, and I like to wear like that, so I always wear hanfu when I going out.

This type of Hanfu is man style of QuJu, the cloth is ventilated cotton.  It can be added a coat to become a formal dress.

Fifi is hunger for the chewing stick.

If wanna doing some work with hanfu, I will tie up the both of cloth's sleeves.

It was long long times I didn't eat any Durian.


『天涯杂谈』 九评余秋雨的汉服谬论!



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